Now-a-days the symbol is seen very often: almost on every packaging. As is self-explanatory it is to do with Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, in abbreviated terms, 3R-practices. Some may call this as being MISER by 'Reducing' consumption of resources by Reuse-Rework-Recycle techniques. Many may claim to "know-this-already".
By default many innovative Indians have devised their own 3R-practices. Some for instance use-n-throw the inside-contents away but recycle the outside-poly-bag. Is it to do only with packaging?
Do they extend such 3R to every other opportunity possible?
Some do. Some claim to do. Some don't do. For each one of them, there are many more if they get a little more aware & seriously interested to be a leaner consumer.
For instance, look at possibilities of recycling instead of using tap water for floor cleaning.
Or say look at practices like in picture-B that represents a typical kitchen platform.

The need is to eat, not to 'show'. Eating can easily be done by 3R practice on utensils in picture-B itself.
Then why touch fresh sets on rack (picture-C). As an alternative, why not to reuse the utensils as those seen in picture-B itself.

Some may be doing it by-chance claiming to "know-this-already".
Why not do it by-design in every domain.
In a paper making factory lot of water and pulp is used in upstream processes. An inefficient paper-mill uses 300-400 ton-water per ton-paper! Can you imagine how much water as well as pulp can be recovered from downstream processes. The recovered water and pulp can be recycled thus saving consumption of both in the upstream processes.
Why not be a 'shameless' 3-R-brat even if it's a party-mat*.
Isn't bad 'publicity' if any worth the 'sake-of-mother-earth'.
Those who do it in every domain without fear of being ashamed or fear of so-called 'bad publicity' are the real 'learned-ones'. They are many steps ahead of so-called "know-this-already" kind of 'knowledgeable' people because they 'do' it at every opportunity what the knowledgeable 'know'.
Although seems like that of a 'fool'; the path of 'learned-one' counting drops-over-drops becoming a pool (of water-saved) is surely cool.
(*Some of us are lucky to notice some wrong practices: one plate used for starters; another for variety-1 in the main course; and third one for variety-2; and so on.)
Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
Take Habits For A Ride Can-changing-th
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Not-Soon, Says Monsoon
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
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